Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Songs Of My Heart - COME THOU FOUNT

Psalm 36:9 For with Thee is the fountain of life:in Thy light shall we see light.

Well, here I go again trying this blog thing. As much as I love to write, It's not easy to write everyday, except on my book or in my journal first thing in the morning. My Kids, and a few of my friends tell me I'm a typical ADD candidate. After 63 years of not knowing it, I guess I'll die this way - project here, project there, and yes they do get finished, and well.

I love Gospel music and hymns; hymns from WAAAAAY back in the 16, 1700's. So I think at this time that's what I'm going to be blogging about. How these songs have impacted my life at different times, what they mean to me, etc. Please comment, and even suggest to me some songs that are special to you.

This morning when I rose, an old, old song came to me through my meditation; Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, tune my heart to sing Thy praise.

I don't believe this will ever go out of style. The tune may not be everyones cup of tea, but the words can touch the heart of the hurting and the joyful in the Lord. Some time ago I wrote a paper entitled, Prayer and Praise chases away Depression, and this is one of the songs that touch my soul. Written in 1758, I would say it has passed the test of what is great.

Robert Robinson the writer was, it appears, to be a man of sorrow for most of his life. Though a preacher in the Methodist and the Baptist faith, he struggled. Sound familiar? Preachers, even talented, God fearing, God loving ministers of the LORD most high, have their battles. I read that later in his life he heard a woman singing his song, and she asked him if he liked it. He told her in tears, that he was the unhappy, poor man who wrote that song many years before, and he would give a million worlds if he could have them to enjoy the feelings he had then. I wish I knew what happened. But what he left the world in this song is worth a million worlds.

Don't take the gift of salvation for granted. Paul says we are to work out our soul's salvation. Walk daily close to the Lord. Listen to what He has to say for our lives everyday. Learn the Word, and pray without ceasing.

Music is a large part of the ministry the Lord has blessed me to share. I pray to go into my old age singing, and to leave this world to meet Christ with a song of praise and adoration on my lips. Music has lead me out of dangerous situations, and has calmed my fears while I questioned a lifestyle totally opposite of God's plan for my life. As I write this book, I pray that someone else will see and experience where the 'Sacrifice of Praise' can lead them in their journey to be a servant for the Lord.

Praise and worship has an odor that reaches the nostrils of our Father God, I believe when we enter into worship the relationship of 'Abba,' 'Daddy' is heightened, just like a dad taking his darling kid on lap and giving them the most loving, doting, affectionate hug that a child can receive. These following songs are ones that I learned as a child, and leaned on as a young adult, and pass on to others in my mature years. Oh, how I love to praise the name of the Lord. Oh, how I long to be closer, closer to Abba.


Come Thou Fount of every blessing,
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace;
Streams of mercy, never ceasing,
Call for songs of loudest praise.
Teach me some melodious sonnet,
Sung by flaming tongues above,
Praise the mount, I'm fixed upon it,
Mount of Thy redeeming love.

God our Father the Fountain of every blessing. Through our lives we have had a steady stream of blessings; even if we don't, at first, realize it. We could all write a book about our blessings, following the song, Count Your Blessings Name Them One by One. Tune my heart, fix my heart to sing about Your beauty Lord. The manner of You is so calming to my soul confused. Your mercy coming to me in streams, daily. Lord, Your word says Your mercy is new EVERY morning. I don't have to worry about being alone, Your goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life... The remembrance of Your goodness and mercy calls for songs of loudest praise.

As a singer, I love to write down little things that come to me throughout the day, and sometimes these turn into song words – not yet produced or set to music. But usually I put them into a poem. He teaches me melodious sonnets/poems, and He does. It would be wonderful to get to heaven and hear the words He has given us for praise sung by angels in full voice – yeeesssss!!! They had it first and loaned it to us here. Praise the mount, I'm fixed up it. Another song, 'Jesus Is The Rock In A Weary Land,' more than a rock He Is my Mountain and I'm fixed like glue to His redeeming love.

There are five verses to this song, and any 'good,' raised to be Baptist' will sing all five verses. But for today, there are parts of each verse that just bless my soul whenever I hear them. So I'll share with you what I value most, and I hope you'll find your own blessings in this song.

When I first started singing this song, I loved the part of the second verse that said, “ Here I raise my Ebenezer, Here by Thy great help I've come.” Loved it, even if I didn't know what an Ebenezer was, but whatever it was I was raising it to the Lord. Now I know that 'Ebenezer' is a stone of help. Read 1 Samuel 7: about the battle with the Philistines and what Samuel the man of God did. Now whenever I sing this song, I remember from whence my help comes from. As I close my eyes, I can envision different situations where Jesus, my Rock has been there, fought my battle and delivered me.

Jesus sought me when a stranger, wandering from the fold of God. In my foolishness, and search of this worldly peace, I denounced God. I remember saying, “There is no God, I am my own God.” Wow, did I get chastised. The Bible says God, like a loving father chastens/disciplines his children that He loves. Anyway I had wandered real far away, and became subject to influences of the world that pulled me farther from God, and farther from the peace of mind and soul I sought. He rescued me from danger so many times, and probably more times than I even knew. “Let Thy goodness like a fetter bind my wandering heart to Thee.” A fetter is a chain. Yes, let Your goodness chain my heart to You, never more to wander from You.

Gotta' love this last verse.

Oh that day when freed from sinning,
I shall see Thy loving face;
Clothed then in blood washed linen
How I'll sing Thy sovereign grace;
Come, mt Lord, no longer tarry,
Take my ransomed soul away;
Send thine angels now to carry
Me to realms of endless day.

One day this old body will not be tempted to sin. One day we shall see Our Lord face to face. This soul that he paid for with His very own blood, He's coming back for, and we'll be with Him FOREVER.

If you get the chance, get on the net and listen - just shut your eyes and let your heart soar and visions roll. No I'm not on anything but Jesus!!

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