Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Words: Thom­as Ken, 1674. These lyr­ics, sung as the Dox­ol­o­gy in many church­es, are ac­tu­al­ly the last verse of a long­er hymn, Awake, My Soul, and with the Sun.

Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Many of our services started with this song. When I sing this song, it is more than just a song. I hope my life for today can be a life of praise. So many things can happen in the course of a day, and I'm glad all my hope is in my Father from whom all blessings flow. I need the tiune of God my Creator, my Father, my Dad. I need God the Son, my Savior, my friend and comforter. I need so much today God the Holy Spirit to lead me through this day, to keep me in the perfect will of God.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Songs Of My Heart - LEAD ME, GUIDE ME

Psalm 31:3
"Since you are my rock and my fortress,
for the sake of your name lead and guide me."

FROM the time I was a lil' bitty girl, I remember the old folks singing this song. Daddy wasn't crazy when he said he wanted all the kids to learn all the hymns in the Gospel Pear Song Book. He knew there would come a day and time when we needed help, and these old songs would be embedded in our memories. More than once, including today, have I cried out Lead me Oh Lord. I am weak and I need your strength and power to guiede me over my weakest hour. Bring me through the darkness Your face to see - LEAD ME, OH LORD, LEAD ME.

Surely I'm not the only one out there in Blogger land who can relate to this song. But if I am, Thank You Lord for guiding me back into the safety of Your love.

I am weak and I need Thy strength and power,
To help me over my weakest hour.
Let me through the darkness Thy face to see,
Lead me, oh Lord lead me.

Lead me, guide me along the way,
For if you lead me I cannot stray.
Lord let me walk each day with Thee.
Lead me, oh Lord lead me.

Help me tread in the paths of righteousness.
Be my aid when Satan and sin oppress.
I am putting all my trust in Thee:
Lead me, oh Lord lead me.

I am lost if you take your hand from me,
I am blind without Thy light to see.
Lord just always to me thy servant be,
Lead me, oh Lord lead me.

Lead me, guide me along the way,
For if you lead me I cannot stray.
Lord let me walk each day with Thee.
Lead me, oh Lord lead me.

Friday, April 24, 2009


In this day when people are losing jobs, and some families seem to be breaking up, violence is on the upsweep, and evil that folks do to each other is taking on a new and increasing volumn, WE NEED A FRIEND. In my life I know, that I know, that I know, that Jesus is that kind of friend who is always with me and there for me. Within my heart, when I took Jesus in a new life did began. I'm not saying everything was rosey - no; trouble still assulted in various ways, but the peace that passes all understanding in devastating circumstances was in my life. Yes, I reccomend Jesus, because He will never leave or forsake us. No matter what we've done or where we've been His love, His peace, His forgiveness is there for us. There is also JOY. I'm not talking about happiness that comes and goes with the actions of others, or the getting or losing of stuff. Joy comes and stays, and carries us through whatever life throws at us. The Bible say, the joy of the Lord is my strength. And it's true. I love the times I cam joyfully say, "Thank You Jesus!!" I love those times when I'm so giddy and I know that the Lord is with me. He's that kind of friend.

Listen to the words of this song, and if you need this kind of friend, ask Him into your life, come to the Jesus. He's there for all of us. The Bible tells us that God would have EVERYONE SAVED from the grasp of Satan. Not all will respond, and that's our choice. In making our choice, He will NEVER turn us away when we seek His love and mercy. But if you have a need today, Come to the only friend who will never leave you - Jesus.

Verse 1
If you ever need a friend that sticks
closer than any brother,
I recommend Jesus, Jesus;
because He's that kind of friend.

Verse 2
He will never forsake you, even though
He knows everything there is to know about you;
I recommend Jesus, Jesus;
because He's that kind of friend.

Chorus 1
He'll walk right in front of you
to always protect you,
so the devil can't do you no harm.
He's faithful everyday
to help you along the way;
He's that kind of friend.

Chorus 2
He'll walk right in front of you
to always protect you,
(so the devil can't do you no harm).
If within your heart you take Him in,
New life will begin, (He's) that kind of friend, oh.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Philipians 2:8-11

This is one of my ALL TIME favorites. When I think about the name of Jesus, and all that His name means and has come to mean in my life, I have to praise Him. When I hear this song, I know that in Jesus my life is secure and I am loved. I know that In Jesus whatever pain my body may be in, I am not alone. When I hear this song, and meditate on Jesus, and prais Him instead of complaining and allowing myself wallowing time, my hurt actually subsides. When I hear this song I know that my time here on this earth is temporary, and my home is eternal with my Lord.

The name of Jesus brings peace. I don't know if y'all ever had demons (human or spiritual) in your life. I have. I know that just the mention of His name drives off every evil that tries to bring down one of His followers. I know who I belong to, but there have been times in my life where I've played the harlot (just being honest), and went looking for something other than what my Lord had to offer. For the minute, sin was fun and I thought I had it made. But Ohhhhh, oh, oh the long lasting affect brought me to my knees. Through it all, Jesus was there all the time, ready and waiting, and able to fight my battle. Just calling His name from my heart to my mouth is POWER.

Something 'bout the name JESUS is the sweetest name I know. I wish for everyone to know the name, and experience the power and love He has to offer.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Songs Of My Heart - I GO TO THE ROCK

Deuteronomy 32:1-4, 2 Samuel 22:1-7

DOTTIE RAMBO: Wrote her first song on a Morganfield, Kentucky creek bank at the age of eight years old. By the time she was twelve, she had learned to play her brother’s guitar by listening to broadcasts of the Grand OLE Opry on WSM radio, Nashville, Tennessee. In 1999, Dottie took the stage with Whitney Houston to receive the Dove award for Best Traditional Gospel Song with “I Go To The Rock.” Houston performed this in the movie, “The Preacher’s Wife,” the soundtrack of which sold double platinum—the largest selling gospel recording ever.

Her songs include legendary hits like, “We Shall Behold Him,” “I Go To The Rock,” “I Will Glory In The Cross,” “Sheltered In The Arms Of God,” “He Looked Beyond My Fault (and Saw My Need).”

Decisions, Desicions! I have to make desicions and my head is confused. This song has been on my mind since I came out of church yesterday, and I know the only place to lay all my questions, doubts and fears is at the feet of Jesus, my Rock. Sometimes I can't talk to friends and relatives.

Where do I go when there's nobody else to turn to?
Who do I talk to when nobody wants to listen?
Who do I lean on when there's no foundation stable?

I go to The Rock
I know He's able
I go to The Rock

Where do I go, where do I go,
When the storms of life are threatening?
Who do I turn to when those winds of sorrow blow?
And is there a refuge in the time of tribulation?

I go to The Rock
I know He's able
I go to The Rock

I go to the rock for my salvation
I go to the stone that the builders rejected
I run to the mountain and The Mountain stands by me
When the earth all around me is sinking sand
On Christ, the solid rock I stand
When I need a shelter, when I need a friend
I go to The Rock

I go to The Rock (4x)
You can go to The Rock (4x)
Oh I can go
I go to The Rock (8x)

When the earth all around me is sinking sand
On Christ, the solid rock I stand
When I need a shelter, when I need a friend
I go to The Rock

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Songs Of My Heart - BE THOU MY VISION

The lyrics of "Be Thou My Vision" derive from an eighth-century Irish poem,"Rob tu mo bhoile, a Comdi cirde." Little is known about the person who created such moving poetry. Though their identity remains a mystery, "Be Thou My Vision" stands as a living testimony to their faith-filled heart.

Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Luke 12:34

Be Thou my Vision, O Lord of my heart;
Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art
Thou my best Thought, by day or by night,
Waking or sleeping, Thy presence my light.

Be Thou my Wisdom, and Thou my true Word;
I ever with Thee and Thou with me, Lord;
Thou my great Father, I Thy true son;
Thou in me dwelling, and I with Thee one.

Be Thou my battle Shield, Sword for the fight;
Be Thou my Dignity, Thou my Delight;
Thou my soul's Shelter, Thou my high Tower:
Raise Thou me heavenward, O Power of my power.

Riches I heed not, nor man's empty praise,
Thou mine Inheritance, now and always:
Thou and Thou only, first in my heart,
High King of heaven, my Treasure Thou art.

High King of heaven, my victory won,
May I reach heaven's joys, O bright heaven's Sun!
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
Still be my Vision, O Ruler of all.

My best time of day is when I awake with the thought of Christ in my head and on my heart. There is NOTHING I have found so satisfying as knowing His presence is with me. Whatever I face in the day to come, I know He's got me covered. And I do look forward to that day when my vision will be clear, and I see my Savior as He is.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Songs Of My Heart - AT THE CROSS

John 11: 25,26 ...I am the Resurrection, and the life; he that believes in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever lives and believes in me shall never die. Believe you this?

Words: Isaac Watts, Hymns and Spir­it­u­al Songs, 1707; Ralph E. Hud­son wrote the re­frain in 1885.

Watts’ fa­ther was Non­con­form­ist im­pris­oned twice for his re­li­gious views. Isaac learned Greek, Latin, and He­brew un­der Mr. Pin­horn, Rec­tor of All Saints, and head­mas­ter of the Gram­mar School in South­amp­ton. Isaac’s taste for verse showed it­self in ear­ly child­hood, and his prom­ise caused a lo­cal doc­tor and other friends to of­fer him a un­i­ver­si­ty ed­u­ca­tion, as­sum­ing he would be or­dained in the Church of Eng­land. How­ev­er, Isaac de­clined and in­stead en­tered a Non­con­for­mist Acad­e­my at Stoke New­ing­ton in 1690, un­der the care of Thom­as Rowe, pas­tor of the In­de­pen­dent cong­re­ga­tion at Gir­dlers’ Hall; Isaac joined this con­gre­ga­tion in 1693.

Watts left the Acad­e­my at age 20 and spent two years at home; it was dur­ing this per­i­od that he wrote the bulk of his Hymns and Spir­it­u­al Songs. They were sung from man­uscripts in the South­amp­ton Cha­pel, and pub­lished 1707-1709.

The next six years of his life were again spent at Stoke New­ing­ton, work­ing as tu­tor to the son of em­i­nent Pur­i­tan John Har­topp. The in­tense stu­dy of these years is re­flect­ed in the the­o­log­ic­al and phil­o­soph­ic­al ma­ter­i­al he sub­se­quent­ly pub­lished.

Watts preached his first ser­mon at age 24. In the next three years, he preached fre­quent­ly, and in 1702 was or­dained as pas­tor of the In­de­pen­dent con­gre­ga­tion in Mark Lane. At that time he moved in­to the house of a Mr. Hollis in the Mi­nor­ies. His health be­gan to fail the next year, and Sam­u­el Price was ap­point­ed as his as­sist­ant in the min­is­try. In 1712, a fe­ver shat­tered his con­sti­tu­tion, and Price be­came co-pas­tor of the con­gre­ga­tion, which had moved to a new cha­pel in Bu­ry Street. It was at this time that Isaac be­came the guest of Sir Thom­as Ab­ney. He lived with Ab­ney (and lat­er Abney’s wi­dow) the rest of his life, main­ly at The­o­balds in Hert­ford­shire, then for 13 years at Stoke New­ing­ton.

THIS SONG has got to be in my top 10 songs of when I think about the Lord, it makes me want to SHOUT!! Knowing what a worm (yes, I said it) I was, and could be again if Jesus Christ were not in my life, brings tears to my eyes. That God loves us all so much that He sacrificed His son for us, for me. The crimes that I have done, the raunchiness of my actions, He paid for with His life. He died/I lived. His Father, my God, Our creator looked at Him and pronounced - GUILTY; God looked at me and said COME, I am forgiven, I am loved and precious in the sight of God through the shed blood of Jesus.

"But drops of grief can ne'er repay the debt of love I owe." No amount of sorrow for my actions can repay for the love that christ showed for me. I am so for real when I tell you Jesus is alive and well, and talks with us each day.

My first book, 'Meet Me At The Cross, One Woman's Testimony' ( tells about going to the cross to meet the Savior. If you make the trip He will surely meet you there. You don't have to prepare, clean up, get straight - Just go with an open heart to recieve. NEVER, NEVER can I go back and take on all the burdens of my life before Christ. Whatever happens good or bad, losses or gains I know I can make it because of Christ.

Alas! and did my Savior bleed
And did my Sovereign die?
Would He devote that sacred head
For such a worm as I.


At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light,
And the burden of my heart rolled away,
It was there by faith I received my sight,
And now I am happy all the day!

Was it for crimes that I had done
He groaned upon the tree?
Amazing pity! grace unknown!
And love beyond degree!

Thus might I hide my blushing face
While His dear cross appears,
Dissolve my heart in thankfulness,
And melt my eyes to tears.

But drops of grief can ne’er repay
The debt of love I owe:
Here, Lord, I give my self away
’Tis all that I can do.


These are The Mighty Clouds of Joy. If you like group music, you'll love to hear their many, many recordings.

I don't know who wrote this song, but I'm glad they did. Many have sang it as a solo, a group, and as a choir.

When I sing it, I just love to recount how the Lord came into my life and why I'm glad about it today. When I think about going on a journey, I know I'm moving. I'm not sitting or standing stagnant, just catchin' whatever comes my way. No I'm taking action today. There is purpose in today, and I'm going to find it.

What does it profit me to dwell in sorrow, aches and pains, hurts of the past or even yesterdays mess-ups? I can linger there and become depressed, obsessed, and doubtful of today, making myself and everyone else around me miserable - or I can be glad that my Lord has given me new mercy, new grace for today. There's another song that says, "Pick Yourself Up, Brush Yourself Off, And Start All Over Again." This is what 'Another Days Journey' says to me.

The old folks used to pray, "Thank you Lord for a reasonable portion of my health and strength." I may not have it all, but I thank You for what I have. They used to say, "Thank you for clothing me in my right mind," recognizing that we could have woke up this morning totally messed up." So I'm Glad for this another day.

I don't know where some of you came from, but I know the Lord brought me from a mighty long way. Yes, from lovin' the alcohol and not allowing it to ruin my life - He brought me to sobriety. From molestation, rejection and depression - Yes, Jesus brought me, and I'm so glad to be alive to encourage someone today to KEEP ON GOING, DON'T GIVE UP. This is a new day, and I'm glad about it.

This is the Day the Lord has made, and I will rejoice and be glad in this day. I shall not die, but live and tell of His mighty works - I Am The Work Of HIS Hands, and so are you.

Blessings Y'all!

It's another days journey and I'm Glad
C: I'm glad about
L: I'm so glad
C: I'm glad about
L: I'm so glad
C: I'm glad about
L: It's another days journey and I'm Glad
C: I'm glad about, I'm so glad to be here

L: It's another day for Jesus and I'm Glad
C: I'm glad about
L: I'm so glad
C: I'm glad about
L: I'm so glad
C: I'm glad about
L: It's another day for Jesus and I'm Glad
C: I'm glad about, I'm so glad to be here

Monday, April 13, 2009


I guess I'm an old soul. since I was a lil' bitty girl I have loved this song. Even at a young age, things happen in our lives that we need to look for comfort. I found much comfort in songs. The writer of this song must have known sorrow, and I'm so glad that he put it into words for all of us cling to.

In this day and age I'm sure that thousands are going through tribulations, faults and failures, persecutions, battles in court or on the for real battlefield, and (like me) growing old and feeble. Through it all, I know to call on the Lord, for He is the only one who is there 24/7. Say Amen somebody!!

Tindley is known as one of the “found­ing fa­thers of Amer­i­can Gos­pel mu­sic.” The son of slaves, he taught him­self to read and write at age 17. He was a driv­en young man, work­ing as a jan­i­tor while at­tend­ing night school, and earn­ing his di­vin­i­ty de­gree through a cor­re­spond­ence course. In 1902, he be­came pas­tor of the Cal­va­ry Meth­o­dist Epis­co­pal Church in Phil­a­del­phia, Penn­syl­vania, the church where he had ear­li­er been the jan­i­tor. At the time of Tindley’s death, his church had 12,500 mem­bers. The Tind­ley Tem­ple Unit­ed Meth­o­dist Church in Phil­a­del­phia was named af­ter him. Tindley’s “I’ll Over­come Some Day” was the ba­sis for the Amer­i­can ci­vil rights an­them “We Shall Over­come,” pop­u­lar­ized in the 1960’s.

Sometimes things just don't go right; like this Post. For the life of me I cannot find this song on Youtube, Godtube or whatever, I don't even know how to get the one I sang onto this site. Maybe some things are not meant to be. If anyone knows where I can download a video of this or an audio, please let me know.

When the storms of life are raging,
Stand by me (stand by me);
When the storms of life are raging,
Stand by me (stand by me);
When the world is tossing me
Like a ship upon the sea
Thou Who rulest wind and water,
Stand by me (stand by me).

In the midst of tribulation,
Stand by me (stand by me);
In the midst of tribulation,
Stand by me (stand by me);
When the hosts of hell assail,
And my strength begins to fail,
Thou Who never lost a battle,
Stand by me (stand by me).

In the midst of faults and failures,
Stand by me (stand by me);
In the midst of faults and failures,
Stand by me (stand by me);
When I do the best I can,
And my friends misunderstand,
Thou Who knowest all about me,
Stand by me (stand by me).

In the midst of persecution,
Stand by me (stand by me);
In the midst of persecution,
Stand by me (stand by me);
When my foes in battle array
Undertake to stop my way,
Thou Who savèd Paul and Silas,
Stand by me (stand by me).

When I’m growing old and feeble,
Stand by me (stand by me);
When I’m growing old and feeble,
Stand by me (stand by me);
When my life becomes a burden,
And I’m nearing chilly Jordan,
O Thou “Lily of the Valley,”
Stand by me (stand by me).

Saturday, April 11, 2009


To shine for Him each day
In every way try to please Him,
At home, at work, at play.

A sunbeam, a sunbeam,
Jesus wants me for a sunbeam,
A sunbeam, a sunbeam,
I'll be a sunbeam for Him.

Jesus wants me to be loving,
And kind to all I see;
Showing how pleasant and happy
His little one can be.

A sunbeam, a sunbeam,
Jesus wants me for a sunbeam;
A sunbeam, a sunbeam,
I'll be a sunbeam for Him.

I will ask Jesus to help me,
To keep my heart from sin;
Ever reflecting His goodness,
And always shine for Him.

A sunbeam, a sunbeam,
Jesus wants me for a sunbeam;
A sunbeam, a sunbeam,
I'll be a sunbeam for Him.

I'll be a sunbeam for Jesus;
I can if I but try;
Serving Him moment by moment,
Then live with Him on high.

A sunbeam, a sunbeam,
Jesus wants me for a sunbeam;
A sunbeam, a sunbeam,
I'll be a sunbeam for Him.

Words: Nellie Talbot. Rack­ing her brain for ma­ter­i­al for her Sun­day school class in rur­al Mis­sou­ri, she thought to her­self, “How can you say there’s no­thing to teach about when you have the sun and the sky and the trees and the flow­ers!” Hence the theme of this song.

Music: Ed­win O. Ex­cell, 1900. He ded­i­cat­ed this song to his grand­son, Ed­win O. Excell, Jr.

This is another children's song that says a lot.

As Nelli realized as long as we can see or feel the beauty of God's creation all around us, there is something to praise Him for. My grandma taught me this song when I was a child in the Sunbeam Band at New Hope Baptist Church, in Chanute, Kansas. I was about eight years old. Every Saturday we met for about 1 1/2 hours. We learned short scriptures, and told each other what that scripture meant for us, we sang songs like this one, did crafts, learned to stitch by making blankets for our dolls, or learned how to make aprons as gifts for our moms. At the end we always knew we would be treated to too sweet kool Aid and cookies. We closed by each of us saying a sentence prayer, then the Lord's Prayer together, and sang Jesus Wants Me For A Sunbeam. It was a time all of us kids looked forward to.

I recently (yesterday) learned that a very dear friend of mine also learned this song as a child, and taught it to her kids. My friend is 90 years young, and in the last stages of transitioning from this life to eternal life with Jesus she loves. At her bedside her daughter and I were talking about songs she loved, and she told me about this one. We sang it softly together, both of us very surprised that the other knew it. Her daughter shared that her mom told her she was about five or six when she learn this song. As she listened to the words that Jesus wanted her for a sumbeam, she had better learn to be a sunbeam.

I'm happy to say she is a GREAT success at being a sunbeam for Jesus. This is a woman that shines for Him, is loving and kind, reflects and shares His goodness with others, and holds Him preciously in her heart. And I believe in every way she has pleased Him. Her legacy lives on through her sons and daughters, grands and all who have come to know her, and able to gleen from her wisdom. The Bible says, "Who can find a virtuous woman, for her price is far above rubies. "My dear friend is this woman, and she will shine as a sunbeam for Jesus through eternity.

Friday, April 10, 2009


One of the most sung songs in history is the first verse of JESUS LOVES ME. Did you know there are two other verses that are completely beautiful – even powerful.

Jesus loves me this I know,
For the Bible tells me so
Little ones to Him belong
They are weak, but He is strong


Yes, Jesus loves me, Yes, Jesus Love me
Yes, Jesus loves me, for the Bible
Tells me so.

Jesus loves me He who died
Heaven's gates are open wide.
He will wash away my sins
Let His little child come home.

Jesus take this heart of mine
Make it pure and wholly Thine.
Thou has bled and died for me.
I will henceforth live for Thee.

It seems to me that we only teach our children the first verse because a lot of adults don't know the second and third themselves; and it's neutral. Okay, no one likes to think of our babies as sinners, but the Bible says we are born into sin. Yes, there's the age of innocence, but I believe we must teach our children about sin and about love, and most of all that Jesus dies for sinners, which we are. Jesus alone can was away our sins. How are they going to know that the heart of mankind is not pure without Christ?

In this song they learn so much about the shed blood of Jesus and His love for us, as well as our love for Him. I believe when we teach the truth of Christ, our kids can handle it, and it helps them to handle life. Yes Jesus loves me, Yes Jesus loves me, Yes Jesus loves me, the Bible tells me so.

Jesus take this heart of mine make it pure and wholly thine. A prayer for everyday for all of us no matter what our age. He has bled and died for me, I vow to live for Him. This isn't normally an Easter song, but today I can see where this song fits perfectly for this weekends praise and worship time.

But let us not forget that though our Savior suffered and died for us, He AROSE!! We celebrate our living Lord as we all remember JESUS LOVES ME!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009



The words of a song…

“Lord keep me day by day in a pure and perfect way.
I want to live. I want to live Lord, in a building
Not made by hands.”

And I add, in a city not made by hands, by a new name not given to me by mortal parents, but by my Heavenly Father.

Over the years I’ve learned that getting to all those wonderful places is a process; a process that has hills, sometimes rocky and sharp, narrow and twisted. A process that has pitfalls and valleys, sometimes dark and lonely, often filled with shadows of the past, and fears of what lies ahead.

In this new year of 2009 I am determined to follow the leading of God’s Holy Spirit. He has a job; we are His assignment and He is our Devine Leader; God our Father who created us and waits to be united with us again; God the Son, Jesus who came to earth in love, as and our example, our Savior who returned to our Father as our mediator, Lord and King; and God the Holy Spirit, friend, helper, our power source, our comforter, our internal map who leads us right back to our original home.

This is the day the Lord has made, and I will rejoice and be glad in this day. On this day of April 8,2009 I look back, and I don’t have to wonder how I got over. I know it was only through the divine guidance of God. I count the many blessings of 2006 – resolving health issues, reunification of uncontrolled children to a sometimes-reckless parent; riding the roller coaster of productive writing and grandeur thoughts into a valley of stagnant thoughts and laziness of hand. I count the blessings of ministering to hurting people, whether face to face, written word or songs of praise. I count the blessings of receiving through them the healing balm of reassuring love of being in God’s will and following His plan.

2008 has presented open doors of creativity and financial opportunity. With gifts of writing, drawing and cooking God has blessed me with business opportunities. I count the blessings of old friendships continued, and the excitement into the exploration of new friendships. In 2008 there have been losses; physical loss of close friends who will be sorely missed, loved ones who can never be replaced; but I have the realization that we shall meet again in that wonderful, Holy City prepared by God Almighty.

Now in a tic of the clock or a blink of the eye we find ourselves in the new year of 2009; 365 days of, what? For the rest of my life I want to say, “Yes Lord!” I want to be obedient, to listen for and hear a still small voice saying, “And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, This is the way, walk in it, when you turn to the right hand, and when you turn to the left"(Isaiah 30:21). I want to be a follower of Christ; not easily angered or frustrated in Psalm 25:9, the Bible says, “The meek will He guide in judgment; and the meek will He teach His way. He will guide me in making decisions of 2007, even unto death. The Bible, the Word of God, our literal map to salvation says, “For this is our God forever and ever: and He will guide us even till death" (Psalm 48:14). I take great pleasure in knowing that I am not alone – ever.

In the middle of uncertain situations He is with us. When we are like one who is blind and cannot detect exactly what may be before us, God leads us. “I will bring the blind by a way they know not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make the darkness light before them, and the crooked things straight. These things will I do to them and not forsake them" (Isaiah 42:16).

I know this to be true. I’m the kid who couldn’t get more than three words out of my mouth in front of strangers; tongue-tied, shaking and sometimes reduced to tears. But, this God, My God has led me, taught me to stand before hundreds to sing His praises, speak His Word. This my Heavenly Father has taught me that with and through the power of Jesus Christ, I can do all things that He has purposed for my life. I have learned that the spirit of fear that occasionally tries to envelope me – is not from above. "For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind" (1 Timothy 1:7). So when my mind is uncertain and fear begins to wrap me in dark clouds I can remember, Jesus is there to lighten my way, guide mmy feet into the way of peace (Luke 1:79).

In this year of 2009, there will be tests. As difficult times come into my life, those are times to remember, where God has brought me from; delivered me of; and is preparing me for my intended purpose. Many years ago when I was still so very full of me (sometimes still am), I remember reading and praying Psalm 119, the teach me parts; teach me Your will; teach me Your statutes (laws); teach me Your way. Though I prayed for it, I wasn’t ready to follow and learn from hardly anyone – let alone go down a path I really didn’t understand. On the outside I rebelled, people saw my selfishness and attitude plus, but God looked on my heart and heard that very small cry for help that only his ears can hear. He heard me, remembered me. Like a shepherd He gently lead me out of the crooked places of my life onto a plain path.

There were times I tried to break His hold on my life because the way of the world appeared to be filled with more excitement, more satisfaction. Whenever I made the choice to take the wide road of acceptance – partying, drinking, and sex, I paid the consequences of my choices. But the truth of God’s Word is powerful, and always there to guide me back into the light and safety of Christ. There is no situation that is beyond the reach of God that His loving, powerful hand cannot lead us out of.

This journey, adventure we make toward our eternal destination is not easy by the world’s standard. But Jesus tells us His yoke is easy, His burden is light, cause we don’t have to go it alone. The more I learn to lean on Jesus and the word of God rather than the call of my flesh, the less time I give place to Satan. We are never alone or without help.

Just as Jesus journeyed through His life to the cross where He laid down His life for us, for the forgiveness of our sins, for us to be one with Him, and one with God. We journey to the cross where we see and confess our sins, acknowledge our need for Jesus our Savior, and accept His love and guidance. Jesus says, I am the light of the world (John 8:12). Jesus says, "I am the door: by me if any man enter in he shall be saved… I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd gives His life for His sheep." He knows us by name, He knows where we are, He knows are address – even if we don’t have a permanent residence.

Jesus says, "I lay down my life, that I may take it up again… my sheep (followers)hear my voice and I know them, and I give to them and I know them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither (This is soooo good)shall any man pluck (take) them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them to me is greater than all (YEAH God!!!), and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father’s hand. I and my Father are one." How cool is that? We are one with Christ, one with God, one with His Holy Spirit who is leading us through our life here to our eternal home, where we will see HIm face to face. Whether we part this life through death or through His rapturous return –

He’s Coming Back Again to receive us into His Glory.

I want to live Lord in that building not made by hands.

Lead On Holy Spirit!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Songs Of My Heart - COME THOU FOUNT

Psalm 36:9 For with Thee is the fountain of life:in Thy light shall we see light.

Well, here I go again trying this blog thing. As much as I love to write, It's not easy to write everyday, except on my book or in my journal first thing in the morning. My Kids, and a few of my friends tell me I'm a typical ADD candidate. After 63 years of not knowing it, I guess I'll die this way - project here, project there, and yes they do get finished, and well.

I love Gospel music and hymns; hymns from WAAAAAY back in the 16, 1700's. So I think at this time that's what I'm going to be blogging about. How these songs have impacted my life at different times, what they mean to me, etc. Please comment, and even suggest to me some songs that are special to you.

This morning when I rose, an old, old song came to me through my meditation; Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, tune my heart to sing Thy praise.

I don't believe this will ever go out of style. The tune may not be everyones cup of tea, but the words can touch the heart of the hurting and the joyful in the Lord. Some time ago I wrote a paper entitled, Prayer and Praise chases away Depression, and this is one of the songs that touch my soul. Written in 1758, I would say it has passed the test of what is great.

Robert Robinson the writer was, it appears, to be a man of sorrow for most of his life. Though a preacher in the Methodist and the Baptist faith, he struggled. Sound familiar? Preachers, even talented, God fearing, God loving ministers of the LORD most high, have their battles. I read that later in his life he heard a woman singing his song, and she asked him if he liked it. He told her in tears, that he was the unhappy, poor man who wrote that song many years before, and he would give a million worlds if he could have them to enjoy the feelings he had then. I wish I knew what happened. But what he left the world in this song is worth a million worlds.

Don't take the gift of salvation for granted. Paul says we are to work out our soul's salvation. Walk daily close to the Lord. Listen to what He has to say for our lives everyday. Learn the Word, and pray without ceasing.

Music is a large part of the ministry the Lord has blessed me to share. I pray to go into my old age singing, and to leave this world to meet Christ with a song of praise and adoration on my lips. Music has lead me out of dangerous situations, and has calmed my fears while I questioned a lifestyle totally opposite of God's plan for my life. As I write this book, I pray that someone else will see and experience where the 'Sacrifice of Praise' can lead them in their journey to be a servant for the Lord.

Praise and worship has an odor that reaches the nostrils of our Father God, I believe when we enter into worship the relationship of 'Abba,' 'Daddy' is heightened, just like a dad taking his darling kid on lap and giving them the most loving, doting, affectionate hug that a child can receive. These following songs are ones that I learned as a child, and leaned on as a young adult, and pass on to others in my mature years. Oh, how I love to praise the name of the Lord. Oh, how I long to be closer, closer to Abba.


Come Thou Fount of every blessing,
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace;
Streams of mercy, never ceasing,
Call for songs of loudest praise.
Teach me some melodious sonnet,
Sung by flaming tongues above,
Praise the mount, I'm fixed upon it,
Mount of Thy redeeming love.

God our Father the Fountain of every blessing. Through our lives we have had a steady stream of blessings; even if we don't, at first, realize it. We could all write a book about our blessings, following the song, Count Your Blessings Name Them One by One. Tune my heart, fix my heart to sing about Your beauty Lord. The manner of You is so calming to my soul confused. Your mercy coming to me in streams, daily. Lord, Your word says Your mercy is new EVERY morning. I don't have to worry about being alone, Your goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life... The remembrance of Your goodness and mercy calls for songs of loudest praise.

As a singer, I love to write down little things that come to me throughout the day, and sometimes these turn into song words – not yet produced or set to music. But usually I put them into a poem. He teaches me melodious sonnets/poems, and He does. It would be wonderful to get to heaven and hear the words He has given us for praise sung by angels in full voice – yeeesssss!!! They had it first and loaned it to us here. Praise the mount, I'm fixed up it. Another song, 'Jesus Is The Rock In A Weary Land,' more than a rock He Is my Mountain and I'm fixed like glue to His redeeming love.

There are five verses to this song, and any 'good,' raised to be Baptist' will sing all five verses. But for today, there are parts of each verse that just bless my soul whenever I hear them. So I'll share with you what I value most, and I hope you'll find your own blessings in this song.

When I first started singing this song, I loved the part of the second verse that said, “ Here I raise my Ebenezer, Here by Thy great help I've come.” Loved it, even if I didn't know what an Ebenezer was, but whatever it was I was raising it to the Lord. Now I know that 'Ebenezer' is a stone of help. Read 1 Samuel 7: about the battle with the Philistines and what Samuel the man of God did. Now whenever I sing this song, I remember from whence my help comes from. As I close my eyes, I can envision different situations where Jesus, my Rock has been there, fought my battle and delivered me.

Jesus sought me when a stranger, wandering from the fold of God. In my foolishness, and search of this worldly peace, I denounced God. I remember saying, “There is no God, I am my own God.” Wow, did I get chastised. The Bible says God, like a loving father chastens/disciplines his children that He loves. Anyway I had wandered real far away, and became subject to influences of the world that pulled me farther from God, and farther from the peace of mind and soul I sought. He rescued me from danger so many times, and probably more times than I even knew. “Let Thy goodness like a fetter bind my wandering heart to Thee.” A fetter is a chain. Yes, let Your goodness chain my heart to You, never more to wander from You.

Gotta' love this last verse.

Oh that day when freed from sinning,
I shall see Thy loving face;
Clothed then in blood washed linen
How I'll sing Thy sovereign grace;
Come, mt Lord, no longer tarry,
Take my ransomed soul away;
Send thine angels now to carry
Me to realms of endless day.

One day this old body will not be tempted to sin. One day we shall see Our Lord face to face. This soul that he paid for with His very own blood, He's coming back for, and we'll be with Him FOREVER.

If you get the chance, get on the net and listen - just shut your eyes and let your heart soar and visions roll. No I'm not on anything but Jesus!!