Tuesday, July 21, 2009


There is peace and reconciliation through the blood of the cross...Colossians 1:20, Ephesians 2:15-16

Jesus, keep me near the cross,
There a precious fountain
Free to all, a healing stream
Flows from Calvary's mountain.

In the cross, in the cross,
Be my glory ever;
Till my raptured soul shall find
Rest beyond the river.

Near the cross! O Lamb of God,
Bring its scenes before me;
Help me walk from day to day,
With its shadows o'er me.

Near the cross I'll watch and wait
Hoping, trusting ever,
Till I reach the golden strand,
Just beyond the river.

In the cross, in the cross,
Be my glory ever;
Till my raptured soul shall find
Rest beyond the river.

For me there are those times when I must go back, close to the cross. For me it is a time of remembrance of where my Lord found me; not that I was lost to Him, but He was lost to me. Sometimes I just need an adjustment of mind and soul as to what this life is all about.

The blood of Jesus is a healing stream that my heart cries out for everyone to experience. My heart aches for those who are so troubled and confused to accept that resting place that can only be found in Jesus. As I listen to the news of stealing, rape, murders, and wars I know that someday we will live in the glory of Christ, never to fight the battles of this life anymore.

But for today, we live and continue the message of the Cross of Jesus. For today we tell of the joy of resting in the eternal love of God our Father, our Daddy. As I watch the news and walk in the midst of pain and suffering on a daily basis, I am so thankful to be able to offer hope for today, and love unyielding through Jesus Christ who hung on the cross for my sins and the world. The telling of the cross is not only in the words we speak, but the life we live. Jesus shows up so the victory of Him living through us can be seen and realized by those around us.

Near the cross I'll watch and wait, hoping trusting ever - There is no turning around or leaving the path I have started on.

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